You But Better

Ho Ho Ho, It's Santa Claus, The Ultimate Influencer!

Alex Baia, Joseph Dailey Season 1 Episode 52

Today’s Inner Views guest is the most distinguished influencer of our time or any time!

He goes under many names: Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa.

Today on You But Better we are talking with Santa Claus!

Santa is over 2,000 years old. Originally from the region of Lycia in the Roman Empire, Saint Nick has been delivering bags of gifts for kids for millennia. We sit down with Santa to learn:

- How does Santa scale up operations at his North Pole workshop? Has he modernized?
- How did Santa deal with (and crush) the competition early in his career: namely, other magical men who also delivered gifts?

- What advice does Santa have for aspiring creatives who are starting their own business or creative pursuit?

We cover this question and so many more with this ICONIC LEGEND! Better Yous, get ready to learn the true spirit of holiday self-improvement! And Merry Xmas to you!!

Featuring Sanjay Rao (@sanjaykrao_) as Santa Claus

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You But Better is created and performed by Alex Baia and Joseph Dailey

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